Tiny Film ApS was established in 1997 on the remains of Søren Tomas Film, when Søren Tomas, Peter Hausner and Karsten Mungo Madsen wanted to create a new production company with limited 2d animation as a specialty. Since 1992, the three companions had been working together in Søren Tomas Film to create and produce the Thomas & Tim TV-series for DR and designs and animations for the Magnus & Myggen CD-rom games.
First production as Tiny Film was Sallie's Stories (1998), an animated TV-series produced for Angel Films. Since then we have had quite a few films and TV-series went through our hands. You can read about them under TV-SERIES and SHORTS.
The production of books started as merchandise for the TV-series, but because the demand grew and it is fun to make books, you will now find a varied assortment in our book list.
First production as Tiny Film was Sallie's Stories (1998), an animated TV-series produced for Angel Films. Since then we have had quite a few films and TV-series went through our hands. You can read about them under TV-SERIES and SHORTS.
The production of books started as merchandise for the TV-series, but because the demand grew and it is fun to make books, you will now find a varied assortment in our book list.
Our productions are acquired by Broadcasters, Streaming Services and Publishing Companies in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Argentina, South Korea, China and USA.
Our concept is low cost but high quality storytelling. Every project is specific planned and organized in a way, that gives most value for the budget.
With 25 years of experience Tiny Film is a well established production company with a long track record of productions.
Our concept is low cost but high quality storytelling. Every project is specific planned and organized in a way, that gives most value for the budget.
With 25 years of experience Tiny Film is a well established production company with a long track record of productions.
Tiny Film also produces commercials, corporate films, explainers and educational films for companies and institutions.
-Or if you need Consultancy, Talks and Courses, Tiny Film can help you with that too.

Karsten Mungo Madsen
Boss, Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Author, Novelist, Creator, Designer, Animator, Production designer and Illustrator.
After a varied career during his youth, as radio-and-TV salesman, concert organizer, radio-DJ, video-film distributor, backpacker and illustrator, Karsten joined the Thomas & Tim production in 1992 mainly as animation assistant and later on as background artist and storyboarder.
In 1997, Karsten became partner and manager along with Peter Hausner and Søren Tomas.
Since 2018, Karsten is running Tiny Film ApS as a one-man band with good help from a handfull of dedicated freelancers and in collaboration with trusted companies.
CV for Karsten Mungo Madsen
Jeg har siden 1992 beskæftiget mig med medieindhold til børn og voksne. Først som animator og baggrundsmaler i animationsselskabet Søren Tomas Film og siden som instruktør, forfatter og designer i Tiny Film Aps, som jeg ejer og driver. Det er gennem årene også blevet til en hel del bøger, lidt computerspil og et par brætspil.
(2023) Valkyriens Vinger, Det Blå Bjerg 3 (Wings of the Valkyrie, The Blue Mountain 3) audiobook 11 x 30 min.
Forlag: Storytel A/S (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter
(2023) Oskars briller (Oskars Glasses / animeret kortfilm 11min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, forfatter, production design
(2022) Giottos Påskebilleder (Giotto's Easter Paitings / undervisningsserie 10 x 2 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør,
(2021) Vennerne fra Bjørneby (The Bearville Buddies)/ animationsserie 6 x 7:30 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, forfatter, production design
(2021) Sorg og Livsmod (Sorrow and Courage)/ animationsserie 6 x 6 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, forfatter, production design
Pris: Best Pitch at M:Brane 2020
(2021) Historietimen (The History Lesson)/ lydbogsserie 18 x 20 min
Forlag: Saga Egmont
Funktion: Producer, forfatter, tilrettelægger
(2020) Hjørnebjørne - Ernst og Bullers julerejse (Tiny Square Critters)/ lydbog 29 min
Forlag: Saga Egmont
Funktion: instruktør, producer
(2020) Hjørnebjørne (Tiny Square Critters)/ lydbogsserie 78 x 7 min
Forlag: Saga Egmont
Funktion: producer
(2020) Bjergtrolden, Det Blå Bjerg 2 (The Moutain Troll, The Blue Mountain 2) audiobook 10 x 30 min.
Forlag: Storytel A/S (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter
(2019) Valravnen, Det Blå Bjerg 1 (The Valraven, The Blue Mountain 1) audiobook 10 x 30 min.
F: Storytel A/S (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter
Pris: Mofibo Award som Årets Børnebog 2020
(2018) Små film om Sorg (Tiny Films about Sorrow) / undervisning-animationsserie 2 x 6 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Function: Instruktør, forfatter, producer, production design
(2017) Skrapbogen (The Scrapbook) / Graphic Novel
Forlag: Forlaget Fahrenheit (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, illustrator og grafisk tilrettelæggelse
Nomineret til "Årets horror fortælling 2018"
(2017) Hjørne Bjørne 3. sæson (Tiny Square Critters 3) / animeret TV-serie 26 x 7 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Producer, animator
(2016) Det Blå Bjerg (The Blue Mountain) / animeret TV-serie: udvikling
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, forfatter, productiondesigner
(2016) RE:formation/ Undervisning-animationsserie 5 x 3 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, productiondesigner
(2015) Hjørne Bjørne 2. sæson (Tiny Square Critters 2) / animeret TV-serie 26 x 7 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Producer
(2015) Christiansborg Slotscirkus 2 / animeret satire WEB-serie 52 x 2 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, animator
(2014) FUP smiley / animeret WEB-serie 5 x 30 sek
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, animator
(2014) Originalos 2 / animeret TV-serie 13 x 3 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, Producer
(2013) Woolfert / animeret kortfilm 26 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og Cacao Film (DK)
Funktion: Producer, production designer
(2012) Christiansborg Slotscirkus 1 / animeret satire WEB-serie 20 x 2 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, animator
(2012) Historietimen 2 / Børnegyser TV-serie 10 x 20 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og Zuperfilm (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, Producer, CGI
(2011) Cookie / Animeret WEB-serie 4 x 2:30 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Animator, production design
(2011) Børnebanden og Det mystiske M / illustreret børnebog (myldrebog)
Forlag: Gyldendal (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, illustrator
(2011) Klatværket / Website, webserie, webspil, animeret TV-serie 5 x 2 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og DR og Statens Museum for kunst (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, forfatter illustrator, fotograf
(2011) Børnebanden og Baronens Svineri / illustreret børnebog (myldrebog)
Forlag: Gyldendal (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, illustrator
(2011) Børnebanden og Uret i jordens indre / illustreret børnebog (myldrebog)
Forlag: Gyldendal (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, illustrator
(2010) Universet for begyndere / animeret TV-serie Udvikling
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør
(2010) Originalos 1 / animeret TV-serie 13 x 3 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, Producer
(2009) Velkomen til Historietimen / Graphic Novel
Forlag: DR Medier (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, Illustrator
(2009) Historietimen 1 / Børnegyser TV-serie 8 x 20 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og Zuperfilm (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, Producer, CGI
(2008) E-Learn Rettigheder / undervisnings Web-serie 8 x 30 sek
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og Great Dane (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, composite, design
(2007) Homo Etatus / Animeret kortfilm udvikling
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter
(2007) Daddy (Palles Far) / animeret TV-serie 26 x 5 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og Vogel Film (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, animator
(2007) Den fantastiske tidsmølle (The Fantastic Timemachine) / TV-serie udvikling
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og Døvefilm (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter
(2006) Svendman / feature udvikling
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og (DK)
Funktion: Manusforfatter
(2006) Noget i maven / Animeret kortfilm udvikling
Produktion: Magic Hour Film (DK)
Funktion: Manusforfatter
(2006) Schhhh! / Animeret kortfilm 10 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Line producer, compositor
(2005) Oskar og Josefine / feature
Produktion: Cosmo (DK)
Funktion: Storyboarder
(2005) Røde Ører (Awfully Embarrassing) / Animeret kortfilm 14 min
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS (DK)
Funktion: Instruktør, produktion design
Nomineret til en Robert for årets animations film
(2004) Mirza og Kongens datter / feature udvikling
Produktion: Tiny Film ApS og Magic Hour Film (DK)
Funktion: Producer, Forfatter
(2002) Ballerina / Animeret Kortfilm 11 min
Produktion: Rambling Rose (DK)
Funktion: Line Producer, compositor
(2001) Aben Osvald / Animeret Kortfilm 12 min
Produktion: Magic Hour Film (DK)
Funktion: Production designer
(2000) Robinson Ekspeditionen / merchadise brætspil
Produktion: Wild Men Publishing (DK)
Funktion: Udvikler, gameplay
(2000) Super Detektiverne / CD-Rom spil
Produktion: Ivanoff Interactive (DK)
Funktion: Interface designer, production designer, illustrator, Cover artist
(1999) Onside / Fodboldbrætspil
Produktion: DR Medier (DK)
Funktion: Udvikler, gameplay
(1999) Lego Friends / CD-rom spil
Produktion: Lego (DK)
Funktion: Interface designer, Illustrator
(1998) Magnus og Myggen 3 (Skipper & Skeeto 3) / CD-Rom spil
Produktion: Ivanoff Interactive (DK)
Funktion: production designer, illustrator, Cover artist
(1998) Quiz Academy / CD-Rom spil
Produktion: Ivanoff Interactive (DK)
Funktion: Interface design, production designer, illustrator,
(1998) Sallies Historier/ TV-serie 13 x 7 min.
Produktion: Angel (DK)
Funktion: Production design
(1997) Magnus og Myggen 2 (Skipper & Skeeto 2)/ CD-Rom spil
Produktion: Ivanoff Interactive (DK)
Funktion: Animations instruktør, Production designer, Illustrator, Cover artist
(1996) Skovfar / CD-Rom spil
Produktion: Pinpoint Interactive (DK)
Funktion: Production designer, illustrator
(1996) Magnus og Myggen (Skipper & Skeeto) / CD-Rom spil
Produktion: Ivanoff Interactive (DK)
Funktion: Animations Instruktør, production designer, illustrator
(1995) Nordisk Mytology / Go-Card cafékort-serie 12 stk
Produktion: Go-Card (DK)
Funktion: Udvikler, Illustrator
(1995) Nannas Drøm / graphic Novel
Forlag: Bogfabrikken (DK)
Funktion: Forfatter, Illustrator
(1995) Troldguld / feature udvikling, pilot
Produktion: Søren Tomas Film
Funktion: Storyboard, Baggrundsmaler
(1994) Thomas og Tim / TV-serie 16 x 10 min.
Produktion: Søren Tomas Film (DK)
Funktion: Baggrundsmaler, Animationsassistent
Herudover har jeg produceret eller bidraget til en lang række reklamefilm, musikvideoer, infofilm og explainers etc.