Tiny Film creates Books and Comics

We have written, illustrated, created and published several graphic novels, comics, children's books and audio books.

Det Blå Bjerg 1 - Valravnen
(The Blue Mountain 1 - The Valraven)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Illustrator: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 10 years and up
Format: Children's Novel, printed
Publisher: Forlaget Krabat

Siv lives in a boarding school for valkyries in a magic city on top of the Blue Mountain. One day, the girls go on a trip to the village of Vik at the foot of the mountain. They are disguised as doves, in order not to be revealed by the human citizens of the village
Ask dreams of becoming rich, but lives on the streets and steals to keep hunger at bay.
One day, he finds an unconscious dove. When he picks it up, it transforms into a beautiful valkyrie girl.
This is the start of a life-threatening adventure, where the fates of two children become entangled. 

Det Blå Bjerg is a humorous and action-oriented fantasy series with trolls, giants, valkyries and other good and evil creatures - but mostly about the 12-year-old boy Ash and the valkyrie girl Siv and their friendship, which has difficult conditions. They belong to different worlds and have very different lives. But miraculously, their paths cross again and again, and true friendship knows no bounds.
The Valravnen is the first volume in the series about The Blue Mountain. Winner of the Mofibo Awards 2020 in the category Children's Book of the Year.
Pages: 251
from 10 years and up
released: 6. februar 2025
Det Blå Bjerg 2 - Bjergtrolden
(The Blue Mountain 2 - The Mountain Troll)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Illustrator: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 10 years and up
Format: Children's Novel, printed
Publisher: Forlaget Krabat
Ask and Ludbrog have found a treasure high on the Bkue Mountain and are finally rich. But Ask is not as happy as he expected, and he keeps thinking about the valkyrie girl Siv.
Siv is with the blue troll Hvera and the wanderer Uller on their way home to Himmelheim with the seven babies they have saved from the valraven. She is looking forward to being honored as a hero, but the valraven is right on their heels. The adventure is not over for Ask and Siv, who must realize that not everyone wants the best for them.
Birdcatcher Ludbrog and Sherif Grimm show their true selves, and suddenly Ask and Siv are left on their own on the hostile mountain among giants and man-eating trolls. 
The Mountain Troll is the second volume in the series about The Blue Mountain. The first volume in the series won a Mofibo Award in 2020 in the category Children's Book of the Year.

Det Blå Bjerg is a humorous and action-oriented fantasy series with trolls, giants, valkyries and other good and evil creatures - but mostly about the 12-year-old boy Ash and the valkyrie girl Siv and their friendship, which has difficult conditions. They belong to different worlds and have very different lives. But miraculously, their paths cross again and again, and true friendship knows no bounds.
Pages: 287
From10 years and up
Release: februar 6. 2025
Det Blå Bjerg 3 - Valkyriens Vinger
(The Blue Mountain 3 - Wings of the Valkyrie)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Illustrator: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 10 years and up
Format: Children's Novel, printed
Publisher: Forlaget Krabat
Siv and Ask have escaped from dungeons of the mountain troll, but Siv has lost her wings and can't remember anything. They head down to the village of Vik to find someone who can help her. Ask is happy that they are finally together, but will Siv leave him if she gets her wings and her memory back?In Himmelheim, Siv's friend Hrist is determined to find her. While Sheriff Grimm makes more sinister plans, someone small children are once again disappearing... Is the Valraven back? 
The Wings of the Valkyrie is the final volume in the series about The Blue Mountain. The first volume in the series won a Mofibo Award in 2020 in the category Children's Book of the Year.
Det Blå Bjerg is a humorous and action-oriented fantasy series with trolls, giants, valkyries and other good and evil creatures - but mostly about the 12-year-old boy Ash and the valkyrie girl Siv and their friendship, which has difficult conditions. They belong to different worlds and have very different lives. But miraculously, their paths cross again and again, and true friendship knows no bounds.
Pages: 343
From10 years and up
Released: februar 6. 2025
(The Grave Robber)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Artwork: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: True Crime, Historical, Horror
Target: from 10 years and up
Format: Graphic Novel 104 pages, hardcover.
Publisher: Forlaget Fahrenheit (Denmark) will be published in 2024
The Grave Robber is a true crime story about a grave robber who, at the end of the 18th century, served as a gravedigger at the large Assistant Cemetery outside Copenhagen. The grave robber tells about desperate men who are tempted to rob rich people's graves. First to stave off hunger, but later as an organized criminal gang. It all ends with a big scandal in 1804, when the gang was exposed. But The Grave Robber is also about huge social inequality and the fear of being buried alive, that was a common fear at the time.
Det Blå Bjerg 3 - Valkyriens Vinger
(The Blue Mountain 3 - Wings of the Valkyrie)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator: Nicolaj Kopernikus
Genre: Children's Novel, Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 8 - 13 years and up
Format: Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Storytel AB, Mofibo (dk) 2023
Det Blå Bjerg is a humorous and action-oriented fantasy series with trolls, giants, valkyries and other good and evil creatures - but mostly about the 12-year-old boy Ash and the valkyrie girl Siv and their friendship, which has difficult conditions. They belong to different worlds and have very different lives. But miraculously, their paths cross again and again, and true friendship knows no bounds
Det Blå Bjerg 2 - Bjergtrolden
(The Blue Mountain 2 - The Mountain Troll)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator: Nicolaj Kopernikus
Genre: Children's Novel, Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 8 - 13 years and up
Format: Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Storytel AB, Mofibo (dk) 2021
Det Blå Bjerg is a humorous and action-oriented fantasy series with trolls, giants, valkyries and other good and evil creatures - but mostly about the 12-year-old boy Ash and the valkyrie girl Siv and their friendship, which has difficult conditions. They belong to different worlds and have very different lives. But miraculously, their paths cross again and again, and true friendship knows no bounds
Det Blå Bjerg 1 - Valravnen
(The Blue Mountain 1 - The Valraven)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator: Nicolaj Kopernikus
Genre: Children's Novel, Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 8 - 13 years and up
Format: Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Storytel AB, Mofibo (dk) 2019
Award: Mofibo Award as Best Children's Audio Book 2020

Det Blå Bjerg is a humorous and action-oriented fantasy series with trolls, giants, valkyries and other good and evil creatures - but mostly about the 12-year-old boy Ash and the valkyrie girl Siv and their friendship, which has difficult conditions. They belong to different worlds and have very different lives. But miraculously, their paths cross again and again, and true friendship knows no bounds

(Tiny Square Critters )
Author: Niels Valentin
Artwork: Niels Valentin
Genre: Children's Picture book-series (6 titles)
Target: 2 - 5 years
Format: children's illustrated books, 32 pages, hardcover
Publisher: Buster Nordic (Dk, No)
6 books with stories and drawing instructions from the cute critters of the long running pre-school TV-series Hjørnebjørne (Tiny Square Critters). - And more to come...
(The History Lesson)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen, Henrik Kristensen
Narrators: Jesper Asholt, Nicolaj Kopernikus and many more...
Genre: Children's Historic Horror-Series (18 x 20 minutes)
Target: 5 years and up
Format: Full cast Audio Book,
Publisher: Saga Egmont (dk) 2022
The TV-series as Audio Books, with full cast, music and sound effects.
Hjørnebjørne: Ernst og Bullers Julerejse
(Tiny Square Critters: Ernest and Buller's Christmas trip )
Author: Niels Valentin
Artwork: Niels Valentin
Narrator: Jesper Asholt
Genre: Children's Christmas Audio Novel (30 minuttes)
Target: 2 - 5 years
Format: Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Saga Egmont (dk) 2022
Ernest Elk and Buller Bear are convinced that if they arrive at the Christmas party by the Mighty Old Pine Tree before anybody else, they will get all the presents. So instead of follow the path around the lake, they decide to take a short cut over the frozen lake. But is that a good idea?
Hjørnebjørne: Alle historier om...
(Tiny Square Critters: All stories about...)
Author: Niels Valentin
Artwork: Niels Valentin
Narrator: Jesper Asholt
Genre: Children's Audio book-series (9 x 24-36 minuttes)
Target: 2 - 5 years
Format: Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Saga Egmont (dk) 2023
All the funny stories from the TV-series
(The Scrap Book)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Artwork: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: Classic Christmas Horror; Thriller; Ghost story
Target: from 12 years and up
Format: Graphic Novel 56 pages, hardcover, ebook
Publisher: Forlaget Fahrenheit (Dk) 2017
Awards: Nominated for an Horror-Award, as best Horror book of the year 2018
The Scrap Book is, both in mood and style an urban myth in the form of a graphic novel. It gives the reader flashbacks about excursions to remote parts of the country and stormy nights with howling winds.

BØRNEBANDEN - Uret i jordens indre
(Look for professor M -  A Travel Through Time)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Artwork: Karsten Mungo Madsen and Søren Tomas
Genre: Children’s puzzle book
Target: from 4 years and up
Format: Picture book, 28 pages, hardcover, in colours,
Publisher 1. edition: Gyldendal (Dk 2010) also published in: Germany, Norway, Holland and China
The four kids from S.K.A.S. (Secret Kid Agents Service) is called out to a dangerous assignment to save the world. Exciting search and hidden object fun with many detailed pictures.
BØRNEBANDEN: Baronens svinestreg
(Look for professor M - A travel through the world)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Artwork: Karsten Mungo Madsen and Søren Tomas
Genre: Children’s puzzle book
Target: from 4 years and up
Format: Picture book, 28 pages, hardcover, in colours,
Publisher 1. edition: Gyldendal (Dk 2010) also published in: Germany, Norway, Holland and China
Publisher 2. edition: Buster Nordic (Dk 2022)
The four kids from S.K.A.S. (Secret Kid Agents Service) is called out to a dangerous assignment to save the world. Exciting search and hidden object fun with many detailed pictures.
BØRNEBANDEN: Det mystiske M
(Look for professor M -  The Mysterious M)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Artwork: Karsten Mungo Madsen and Søren Tomas
Genre: Children’s puzzle book
Target: from 4 years and up
Format: Picture book, 28 pages, hardcover, in colours,
Publisher 1. edition: Gyldendal (Dk 2012) also published in: Germany, Norway and China
Publisher 2. edition: Buster Nordic (Dk 2022)
The four kids from S.K.A.S. (Secret Kid Agents Service) is called out to a dangerous assignment to save the world. Exciting search and hidden object fun with many detailed pictures.
(Welcome to the History Lesson)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen and Henrik Kristensen
Artwork: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: History, Horror and Fun for children
Target: from 6 years and up
Format: Graphic Novel 111 pages in colours, hardcover
Publisher: DR Medier (2010)
Karsten Mungo Madsen and Henrik Kristensen

Based on the successful TV-series Historietimen. This graphic novel tells 8 ghost stories from different locations in Denmark. With equal parts history, horror and comedy the stories educate as well as entertain. 
Professor Valdemar teaches history lessons from different historical locations. But most old places is haunted with ghosts and spectres, and eventhough the professor does not believe in supernatural creatures, he always ends up running away in panic.
Nannas Drøm
(Nanna's Dream)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Artwork: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: Nordic mythology, Fantasy, Adventure
Target: from 12 years and up
Format: Graphic Novel 56 pages in colour, hardcover, ebook
Publisher: 1. edition Bogfabrikken (printed version 1995)
Publisher: e-book edition Forlaget Fahrenheit (ebook Dk) (2018)
Publisher: 2. edition Tiny Book (printed version 2023) Buy it here

This is a very old story. It has been told over and over again since the morning of times. 
It is a story about balance. It is about the light and the darkness, day and night, summer and winter and the necessity of contradictions, in order to keep balance.
It is a new version of the saga The Death of Balder from the nordic mythology. As Balder returns to Asgard from a journey, he gets every ones attention, and Loki feels ignored. Of pure jealousy Loki plans to bring Balder down by letting him meet and fall in love with Nanna, a human princess and the fiancé of Hother, Balder's unknown twin brother, who is living secretly in Midgaard.
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