Tiny Film creates Podcasts

We have written, directed, and created several podcasts and audio books.

Det Blå Bjerg 3 - Valkyriens Vinger
(The Blue Mountain 3 - Wings of the Valkyrie)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator: Nicolaj Kopernikus
Genre: Children's Novel, Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 8 - 13 years and up
Format: Mofibo Original Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Storytel Original 2023
The third and final season in the series The Blue Mountain about the boy Ask and the Valkyrie girl Siv, and the fantastic world they live in.
Siv and Ask have escaped from the mountain troll's lair, but Siv has lost her wings and remembers nothing. Together, they journey down the mountain to the town of Vik to find someone who can help Siv regain her memory. But what has happened to her wings? Is she even a Valkyrie? Ask is glad that they are finally together, but what will happen if Siv regains her memory?
Has the Mountain Troll given up on her dream of a tasty human stew? Has the Raven given up trying to break its curse? And what are the evil Sheriff Grimm's plans? Will Ask and Siv ever find happiness? And will they be able to stay together?
The Blue Mountain is a humorous and action-packed fantasy series with trolls, giants, Valkyries, and other good and evil creatures – and not least about the 12-year-old boy Ask and the Valkyrie girl Siv, and their friendship, which faces difficult challenges. They come from different worlds and lead very different lives. But in a wondrous way, their paths cross time and again, and a strong friendship knows no bounds.
Det Blå Bjerg 2 - Bjergtrolden
(The Blue Mountain 2 - The Mountain Troll)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator: Nicolaj Kopernikus
Genre: Children's Novel, Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 8 - 13 years and up
Format: Mofibo Original, Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Storytel AB, Mofibo (dk) 2021

Season Two of the series The Blue Mountain.
Ask and Ludbrog have found the treasure of the twelve magical gold apples. Ask is finally wealthy, even though Ludbrog only will give him two of the apples. But he’s not as happy as he thought he would be with his newfound richness, and he can’t get the Valkyrie girl Siv out of his mind. Siv, along with the troll Hvera, has rescued seven babies from the Raven. She is preparing to return home and be honored as a hero. But it won’t be that easy. Countless dangers still lurk on The Blue Mountain for both Ask and Siv, who must fight against a greedy bird-catcher, a hypocritical sheriff, and a mountain troll who loves a good stew made from human flesh.
The Blue Mountain is a fantasy series about the 12-year-old boy Ask and the Valkyrie girl Siv, and their friendship, which faces difficult challenges. They come from different worlds and lead very different lives. But in a wondrous way, their paths cross time and again, and a strong friendship knows no bounds.

Det Blå Bjerg 1 - Valravnen
(The Blue Mountain 1 - The Valraven)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator: Nicolaj Kopernikus
Genre: Children's Novel, Fantasy, Adventure, Nordic Mythology
Target: 8 - 13 years and up
Format: Mofibo Original, Audio Book, ebook
Publisher: Storytel AB, Mofibo (dk) 2019

Winner of the Mofibo Awards 2020 in the category of Children's Book of the Year.

Siv is 12 years old. She’s bored. She dreams of becoming a detective. She lives at a girls' home for Valkyries at the top of The Blue Mountain. One day, Siv’s school is going on a field trip to the human city at the foot of the mountain. To avoid being discovered, the Valkyrie girls transform into pigeons before flying into the city.
Ask is also 12 years old. He dreams of becoming rich but lives on the streets and has to steal to keep from starving. One day, he finds an unconscious pigeon, but when he picks it up, it awakens and briefly transforms into a beautiful Valkyrie girl! The most beautiful girl Ask has ever seen. He didn’t even know Valkyries existed. But then she turns back into a pigeon and flies away.
The Blue Mountain is an adventure about the boy Ask and the Valkyrie girl Siv and their friendship, which faces difficult challenges. They come from different worlds and lead very different lives. But in a wondrous way, their paths cross time and again, and a strong friendship knows no bounds.
In the first part, The Raven, Ask sets off up the mountain on a treasure hunt for magical golden apples that might make him rich. Siv sees a Raven, an evil monster from ancient times, which she follows through the clouds, down the mountain, where countless dangers await.
(The History Lesson)
Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen - Henrik Kristensen
Narrators: Jesper Asholt, Nicolaj Kopernikus and many more...
Genre: Children's Historic Horror-Series
Target: 5 years and up
Format: Audio Books Series with full cast, music and sound effects.18 selfcontained episodes x 20 min.
Director: Nicolaj Kopernikus, Karsten Mungo Madsen, Henrik Kristensen
Publisher: Saga Egmont (dk) 2022

The history professor, played by Jesper Asholt, takes us on a tour of several of Denmark’s castles and attractions in this series, sharing both the true history and the ghost stories of each place. So watch out—it might get eerie, especially if you believe in ghosts!
Hjørnebjørne: Ernst og Bullers Julerejse / Tiny Square Critters: Ernest and Buller's Christmas trip )
Author: Niels Valentin
Narrator: Jesper Asholt
Genre: Children's Christmas Audio Novel (30 minuttes)
Target: 2 - 5 years
Format: Audio Book, ebook
Director: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Publisher: Saga Egmont (dk) 2022

Ernest Elk and Buller Bear are convinced that if they arrive at the Christmas party by the Mighty Old Pine Tree before anybody else, they will get all the presents. So instead of follow the path around the lake, they decide to take a short cut over the frozen lake. But is that a good idea?
Hjørnebjørne: Alle historier om... /Tiny Square Critters: All stories about...
Author: Niels Valentin
Narrator: Jesper Asholt
Genre: Children's Audio book-series (9 x 24-36 minuttes)
Target: 2 - 5 years
Format: Audio Book, ebook
Director: Niels Valentin, Søren Tomas
Publisher: Saga Egmont (dk) 2023
Set in the forest, Tiny Square Critters tells stories from the target audience’s own world, e.g. The first day in kindergarten, Where is my mum?, I can’t sleep.
The critters are all square shaped animal children, and each episode starts and ends with a lesson in how to draw the animals, encouraging children to join in the story and make up adventures of their own. The square design is easy, even for small children to copy.
Episodes include:
All stories about Buller Bear: Buller wants to be a great hunter but it seems that all his friends are better hunters than him.
All stories about Olrik Owl: Olrik and Lulu Lynx are very puzzled. They are unable to figure out why
they are so tired during the day and can’t sleep at night.
Verdens Vildeste Banditter sæson 2
(The Wold's Wildest Bandits)

Author: Thomas Brunstrøm
Narrator: Jesper Asholt
Genre: Exciting series about super crooks
Target: 4 - 7 years and family
Format: Podcast series15 selfcontained episodes of 10 min
Director: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Production: Podster
Publisher: Saxo Podcast

Exciting stories about bank robberies, prison escapes, thefts, cheating and fraud throughout the world history - You're not allowed to rob banks, it's actually totally illegal, but Stories like this about crime are often just... quite exciting.
Godnat og sov godt
(Good night and sleep well)

Author: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator: Jesper Asholt
Genre: Classic Horror; Thriller; Ghost story
Target: from 7 - 11 years and up
Format: Audio book series with music and effects, 13 selfcontained episodes x 15 minutes
Director: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Production: Podster and Tiny Film ApS

On a misty coast, where cold waves lazily slap against black cliffs, stands the old lighthouse, and it is here that Mortimer lives. Mortimer looks like any other snotty kid, but there’s one thing that makes him different. A habit so strange that other children tease him and adults whisper about it. His uncle, the lighthouse keeper, is upset. He wants to help Mortimer.
The problem is that Mortimer loves to sleep. “is that so strange?" you might say, "Everyone enjoys sleep until late in the day when they get the chance.” But no, that’s not it. Mortimer goes to bed early!!! Before the clock strikes eight, he asks, “Uncle, can I go to bed now?” His uncle has tried everything: video games, candy, cakes, and cold baths, but nothing works—Mortimer still goes to bed early...
But now the lighthouse keeper has a new idea. Mortimer can go to bed early, but only if he agrees to listen to a bedtime story... “A spooky ghost story, hehe, that should keep him awake,” thinks the lighthouse keeper. So, he writes to everyone he knows, asking them to send him a mega creepy story that he can read aloud to little Mortimer. As the lighthouse keeper says, every adult knows at least one hair-raising ghost story...
In each episode, a ghost story is read aloud by the old keeper. The stories vary in nature; some are pure fantasy, while others are rooted in historical reality or folklore. The story frightens the keeper himself the most, and halfway through the reading, he begins to hear noises and feel cold winds on his neck. By the end, he is so terrified that he runs out of the room in panic. At this point, Mortimer has fallen asleep and is sleeping soundly.
Each episode ends with the keeper lying in his own bed, still scared with wide-open eyes, unable to sleep, even though it’s now well past 11...
DE VAMLE GAMLE DAGE / The Disgusting Old Days (in development)
Author:    Karsten Mungo Madsen
Narrator:    Jesper Asholt
Genre:    Funny and discusting history documentary series for kids.
Target:    7 - 11 år og deres familie
Format:    Podcast series with music and effects: 13 selfcontained episodes x 15 min
Director:    Karsten Mungo Madsen
Production:    Podster og Tiny Film ApS
Perhaps you've heard the expression "the good old days"? — The old days were far from good. There were no dishwashers, central heating, or toothpaste. It was dirty and gross everywhere. You could get sick from drinking the water, and there were no toilets you could flush. People froze their toes off, ate strange food, and had lice and fleas in their bedding.
This podcast series for children explores what life was really like in the old days, and we’ve chosen to call it "The Disgusting Old Days." For example, hear about:
The Nightmen and the Chocolate Cart
Rats and Chamber Pots
Plague and Cholera
The Beggar King and the Pauper’s Constable
Gutter Drains and Sludge Cisterns
Gys, gengangere og gamle steder / Ghosts, Apparitions, and Old Places (in development)
Creator: Tiny Film ApS, Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: Spooky and Fun Danish History for Kids
Target: Ages 7 - 11 and Their Families
Format: Audiobook Series: 13 Complete Episodes of 15 Minutes Each
Media: Dramatized Audiobook Series with Music and Sound Effects
Voice Acting: tba
Script: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Direction: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Production: Podster and Tiny Film ApS
Budget: tba
Sara and Valde create podcasts about Danish history. They visit various historical sites in Denmark, where they interview a local expert, describe what they see, and discuss the history of the place.
Unfortunately, the local expert is always preoccupied with the local ghost story, which Sara and Valde find frustrating, as they want to create a serious podcast free from superstition and old nonsense.
But after the interview, when the children explore on their own and darkness falls, eerie things begin to happen. Doors slam and the lights go out. The children initially brush it off, but it gets worse. A scream in the dark and an evil laugh. In the end, the children can find no natural explanations and flee in panic.
Forklaringen på alt. / The Explanation about Everything (in development)
Creator: Tiny Film ApS, Karsten Mungo Madsen
Genre: Mythology, History, and Science for Kids
Target: Ages 7 - 11 and Their Families
Format: Audiobook Series: 13 selfcontained Episodes x 15 Minutes
Media: Podcast with Music and Sound Effects
Voice Acting: Jesper Asholt and tba
Script: Karsten Mungo Madsen and tba
Direction: Karsten Mungo Madsen
Production: Podster and Tiny Film ApS
Budget: tba
Why is it called Thursday, where do christmas elves live in the summer, and who exactly is the swamp witch?
Denmark is full of strange beings, places, stories, and names that don’t exist in reality. But where do these names come from, and who invented all these bizarre tales? — And what do they mean?
The Explanation about Everything is a podcast series that delves into the everyday things around us, rooted in long-forgotten folklore and mythology. We explore tales of magical horses and hollow-backed elf girls, trolls, shape-shifters, and the river spirit who lures unhappy souls to their deaths with his song. We also cover more common topics like the names of the days of the week, why we celebrate Carnival, and whether it’s really true that a four-leaf clover brings good luck.
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