Oskars Glasses / Oskars Briller
Creator:  Karsten Mungo Madsen and Folkekirkens Skoletjeneste
Genre:  Education, children's fiction
Target:  9 - 12 years, skolen: 5. - 6. klasse
Format: 2d limited animated short, -11 minutes
Produced by: Tiny Film ApS with support from Folkekirkens Skoletjeneste 2023

You can't walk on water!? - Oskar has to present at school, he has to tell the class what the Bible text with Jesus walking on the water is about. But Oscar hates presenting... Everybody stares at you, when you stand there in front of the class...
The world looks different depending on which glasses you look at it through.
This is also the case with texts - not least the texts of the Bible.

Man kan da ikke gå på vandet!? - Oskar skal fremlægge i skolen, han skal fortælle klassen, hvad bibelteksten med Jesus, som går på vandet, handler om. Men Oscar hader at fremlægge... Så står man der og hele klassen glor på én....
Verden tager sig forskelligt ud alt efter, hvilke briller man ser den igennem. Sådan forholder det sig også med tekster - ikke mindst Bibelens tekster.

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